Two brothers who compete with each other both in their social and professional lives clash when they fall in love with the same girl. When the younger brother leaves her broken hearted, she decides to...
In Athens during the 1950s, two children meet an acrobat (Ian Dury) and his assistant, who make their living doing dangerous stunts. When the assistant is arrested, the children decide to help the acr...
I am…a “whore”. The film is about the turbulent life of a 30-year old prostitute, Rita, who is a daughter of a whore – with her mother finding herself in a very difficult situation, being sick...
This is film is based on the novel “La Lupa (The She-Wolf)”, which was written by Giovanni Verga. A widow returns to her birth place, where she falls in love with a young man, whom her daughter al...
A young man (Alexandros Logothetis) travels to Romania to bring back women to work at his new bar. After many adventures, he manages to find three girls and brings them to Greece. The bar becomes extr...
A 30-year-old man (Lefteris Vogiatzis) returns from America suffering an existential crisis. He goes to Corfu to see his sick mother and tries to find happiness through a desperate love affair with a ...
Three marginalized types (Dimitris Poulikakos, Thekla Tselepi and Konstantinos Christidis) are constantly challenging the establishment. Their lives are filled with love, adventure and humor. When the...